Strollin Kat has something to say

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Black hats for cool cats.

Halloween Harkens- Family is getting ready for haunting.
My aunts cat Avalon and a new hat, loomed on a yellow
loom. 'Cause its not the size of the body, weight, or how tall you are-
Tis the size of your cranium that counts.

Here is ghost story.
My Grandfather died two years ago. He was giant of man. John Wayne and Mark Twain
with a twist of Cary Grant and slice of mean, rolled into one man. A cold spot formed soon after his death
and with it came the smell of his pipe. He has never been HERE, not in this house, not in this town. He hasn't been in the State since WW2. He died many 1000 miles away. We have exhausted our search for the cause. No reason for the draft. No reason for the smell. Super natural or a longing to remember a man that long ago abandoned his family? For the believer - they will never be shaken from their knowledge and for the non-believer- no proof will satisfy. For us, we keep trying to find logical reasons.

Friday, October 06, 2006

Thursday, October 05, 2006

Where are the Family Pixs? Dear family and friends and online peeps,

My husband Does not like pictures of the family posted. Okay, he WILL NOT allow them to be posted.
So back to head and feet shots is all I get to do. some say I am controlled, I know differently. I am as happy as a clam with the greatest husband on the planet and have the greatest children and extended family! Don't worry for me ( Kim are you reading this : )

In place of family, I will use my newest model. She will be known as Lucille La Knitter. Lucille models a newly loomed
scarf. Lucille was made from, Cornstarch, mineral oil, glue, and kool aid -lemonade flavor. Cooked up on the kitchen stove.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Yellow Loom Hats
The first hat I loomed.
Large, but is it too large?
Not for My cousins head, It should have been
a frog.