Strollin Kat has something to say

Thursday, August 17, 2006

Okay Lets play a game which is whiter... my hubbies leg- or the curtain behind him?
Dear Hubby models my first attempt of a bootie sock.

Okay, I am having a blast. Problem is, time is hard to come by.
Can you believe school has already started? Even the local College.
Next week the tiny tots return and free time for this mom is now fleeting.
I work part time outside of the home and I am a full time mom.
Once you sign up for the job you are a full time mom.

Back to knitting...Someone asked why Knit hats? Well, it keeps my brain busy.
More importantly hats and other wonderful home made made with love things can be donated to Charities.

Such as these:

I will never forget the tiny booties and hats that unnamed folks
knitted for my baby. To keep her tiny head and feet warm. Every day a new pair and every day a new prayer.
I will never be able to say how grateful I was then and remain.
I have two knitted pairs of booties, a lock of blonde hair and few photos, the mere
keepsake of my baby. The memories of course: scarred forever in my heart.
So that is why hats, booties, and blankets. I an trying to learn as quickly as I can.
If you can, get involved. Please.