Strollin Kat has something to say

Friday, August 11, 2006

Knit Knit- Purl Purl - round and round we go

Blue loom is the start of my first Christmas Bootie. Using Caron Yarn.
All I can say is, Big foot where are you Boy? I need you to wear these
booties for me. Chances are this will be another frog 'fore long.

Knit Knit- Purl Purl - round and round we go and we make a big mess. Frog it and start again.Then somehow a another hat is born. (english teachers hate sentences that begin with 'Then')<-- mindless thought.
You can never have too many so they say- hats, that is. Mindless thoughts, well they are just naturally born. What is a mindless thought? How can a thought come from something mindless? ( I am awfully good at it)

At any rate. I am now on my third real project. A scarf not shown and 5th project- another hat. Matching the second finished hat, ( yellow loom) a couple of love birds, will wear them to annoy the unloving and fashion police.


Look what I can do... see the pictures!

Never in a zillion years would I think I would take up a knitting tool of any sort, Not that I believe it is anti feminist, I think anything a person wants to learn is a positive step for all kind. I am just - all fumbles... yes my skills are less then a monkeys when It comes to using my hands. Everything would be great if my fingers weren't involved. Really tho'- Monkeys are very agile, positively fleet footed. Another statement to ponder.

Looms- an old fashioned craft brought back for the new fun fur crowd. Cute Stuff!

Yellow Loom is using Lion Brand... homespun... two strands. I love the feel of it. Heavy and lovely. Feels like it would wick the wet snow from your head as you build a snowman. I love it. And yes I used the yellow loom. Adult loom. I am the only one in my family that has a smallish head. Less Brains then the rest. I got the looks.( Woot?) And we still haven't made any money. Ponder that for awhile, think 80's tune's (Brains Looks, lets make lots of money) go get an ipod. Hey did you know people knit covers for those?